Anna Kubicki is a junior broadcasting major who loves short walks to any restaurant and being with her friends!
About Anna's Show
Show name: Late Night Snacks
Show time: Sunday Night from 10pm - 1am
Show genre: Throwbacks, Pop
What sets your show apart: I have a show segment called “Let’s Taco Bout It” where my friends and I just talk about random topics that come to our heads, as well as crazy events in our lives.
One reason to listen to her show: I provide listeners with salty talks and sweet jams, and also just want to have fun at the station.
More About Anna
Favorite Artist: Adele
Favorite Album: A Little Bit Longer- The Jonas Brothers
Favorite Song: In Too Deep- Sum 41
Favorite Movie: Clue
Favorite Musical: Wicked
Favorite Season: Summer
Hobbies: Singing, Binge-watching Netflix, WIXQ, MUTV, Coloring.
I’m from New Jersey, and am someone who loves Disney and Broadway. I’ve been performing in theatre since I was 6 years old. When I first came to Millersville as a freshman, I was a meteorology One Unique Aspect About Yourself: major, but switched to Broadcasting my sophomore year.
Stay tuned for next weeks featured DJ's!